Monday, April 21, 2008

Its all foreign to me

I am part of the many students that have chosen to peruse a degree form the Meadows School of the Arts and therefore have a language requirement that must be filled. Now let me tell you this is my third time taking beginning Spanish, let me repeat, THIRD TIME! And I still dot understand anything that is going on. I have learned the same things, studied for weeks for tests, and tried out different tutors but nothing seems to work. I do not have a language brain. Some of us were built to learn languages. Take my dad for example he has studied French and Latin and can also speak fluent Spanish just from living in southern California and having many patients that speak Spanish come into his office. He is wired to learn foreign languages. I on the other hand am not. That is why I do not agree with having a language requirement, sure it is great to expand your mind and learn about a different culture, but not if that means I am going to get a bad grade. I would be completely fine with a bad grade if I didn’t try, but I have put countless hours into a beginning Spanish class that I will most likely be lucky if I make a C in. I know that the requirement will most likely never change but I just wish some consideration would be given to students like me that it really is almost impossible for.

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